Our service next Sunday will be at the usual time of 11AM. The service will be led by David Wilkie. There will be tea and coffee after the service in the Hall.
We hope to see you there.
A new button has been added to both our website and our Facebook page which allows you to give or donate on-line. The button takes you to Stewarship.org, our partner organisation which handles our on-line giving. The site also has the facilty to say if you are a gift aider, which recovers the tax and therefore increases your donation.
To support our search for a new minister, the Annual Statements and our Parish Profile have been added to the document archive.
The food bank is open from 10AM - 12 noon on a Tuesday morning in the Church Hall.
The pre-school group runs on a Tuesday from 1 pm until 2:15 pm and on a Thursday from 10 am until 11:15 am. The sessions are 'turn up' with no booking required, but responsible(ish) adults need to remain with the children.
Church Magazine
The archive of church magazines is available here.
The December issue has now been added to the archive issued.
The Church Office
The Church Office is normally open each weekday morning between 10 and 12 noon.