Church Office

Our Church Office is open five mornings weekly,  Monday to Friday from 10am till 12.00pm. 

It is a lively place staffed with many volunteers. It provides a point of contact for enquiries, administration, building maintenance , reporting, systems etc. however, it is also very much a meeting place supporting communication across the many different areas of church life that are part of a growing Bathgate High Church family.If you need help or would like further information on any of the content, groups or activities found on this website please contact the church office on Tel: 01506 650517 or click here to contact us by e-mail.  Alternatively, pop in and see us in person, you will generally find that the kettle is always warm and you can be sure of a friendly welcome.

E-Mail address is: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Data Protection

All church office bearers and those in orgainisations who handle data and information are asked to complete the mandatory Data Protection training. The video, which lasts around 10 minutes, can be accessed here.